Over 35 and trying to conceive

35. They allllllways talk about 35.

The truth is, every woman is different, and so is the age at which the chance of getting pregnant decreases. 35 isn't a magic age, but it's often used as a baseline. In reality, fertility varies greatly by age: some women’s fertility may bottom out in their 20s, while others can be as fertile as an Iowa cornfield well into their 40s. Here are some things you should know about getting pregnant after 35.

Why is it more difficult to get pregnant after 35?

Although every woman and her fertility is different, statistics say that women over 35 will have a more difficult time getting pregnant than they would at a younger age. This is mostly due to a lowered egg quality after years of lying in wait in your ovaries and being exposed to radiation and toxins that you naturally encounter throughout your life. This set of eggs you carry have been inside you since you were in your mother's uterus, so they've been around almost as long as you have. Because some of your eggs are resistant to fertilization as you get older, it’s even more important to make sure you don’t miss those ovulations in which you do release a healthy egg.

How Ovia can help

Once you’re over 35, it’s very important to track your data to zero in on your fertile windows, as they may be less frequent. Ovia can help you track your ovulations for as many cycles as you need until you find the window that works! Some studies suggest that as many as 90% of women over 35 are able to conceive. It just might take some time.

Once you’ve conceived

Women over 35 have a statistically higher chance of having complicated pregnancies, or having babies with developmental disorders. That’s why it’s very important for all moms over 35 to get genetic testing to rule out chromosomal and neural tube disorders. Taking it easy and focusing on your health is especially critical during the first eight weeks of pregnancy, too. But don’t worry: most women over 35 are able to have healthy pregnancies and healthy babies, so long as they take good care of their bodies and minds.

It’s totally possible to successfully conceive and have a baby after age 35. It may just take more time and effort.

Read more
  • The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Committee on Gynecologic Practice, The Practice Committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. "Female Age-Related Fertility Decline: Committee Opinion Number 589." ACOG. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Mar 14 2015. Web.
  • USC Fertility. "How-To Guide to Getting Pregnant after 35." USCFertility. USC Fertility, Dec 15 2015. Web.
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