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Why does fertility decline with age?

Most people know that fertility tends to decline with age, but not so many are clear on exactly why. It’s fairly common knowledge that a woman’s egg supply declines over time, but did you know that the quality of eggs, not just quantity, declines as well?

In fact, many researchers and reproductive specialists believe it’s this decline in egg quality that poses more of a problem for women trying to conceive than the overall supply of eggs.

Does age really affect fertility?

It’s clear that fertility declines with age - whether you read the studies, or need personal confirmation from somebody you know who has dealt with it, this decline is an absolute fact. However, we don’t often hear why exactly this decline occurs, so before addressing the problem, it’s important to understand exactly what it is.

Why does fertility decline with age?

It’s very true that egg supply declines with age, and while that may be the most well-known effect of age on fertility, it’s certainly not the only one. Age can have damaging effects on egg quality, which may lead to difficulty conceiving, or sustaining a pregnancy. Additionally, the hormonal balance that your body depends on to regulate ovulation may be disrupted by age, and the incidence of developing other medical conditions that affect fertility increases as well. Because there are so many effects of age on fertility, some of which are entirely out of your hands, it’s important to focus on the issues that are in your control.

What can I do to help?

Because you can’t really change your egg count, or lower your risk of developing other disorders that affect fertility, it’s best to address what you can. And although the decline in egg quality and hormonal regularity may be difficult to prevent, there are things you can do to manage them, and boost your chances.

As far as fertility supplements go for women over 35, we recommend Fairhaven Health’s OvaBoost. OvaBoost is a supplement specially-designed by leading reproductive scientists to optimize egg quality and health, even in women over 35. OvaBoost contains an ideal mixture of nutrients known to help you have healthier eggs, including the terrific trio of myo-inositol, folic acid, and melatonin. Studies prove that OvaBoost increases egg health in women who are undergoing IVF, which is why we recommend it to women over 35 who are trying to conceive.

Click the button below to find out more about OvaBoost, or use the promo code “Ovia” to claim your 10% off discount!

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