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Self-tracking devices and fertility: Everything you need to know

Tracking your fertility data will help you narrow down your ovulation date, and fertile window, and syncing a self-tracking device with your Ovia Fertility account can make logging your data that much easier.

Why use self-tracking devices?

Simply put, because using them makes your data even easier to enter, and as accurate as possible! Wireless devices, like those made by Fitbit and Withings allow you to track crucial metrics like your activity, sleep, and blood pressure seamlessly, without so much as using your thumbs!

Tracking your activity

Devices like the Fitbit One, Fitbit Flex, and Fitbit Zip are able to accurately count your steps throughout the day, so you don't have to worry about keeping a running tally of all of your steps in a day! Using a Fitbit device to track your activity is a great way to help you make sure you're getting enough exercise.

Tracking your sleep

Ever thought you'd be able to log data to your Ovia account, even when you're getting your much-needed nightly ZZZs? The Fitbit One and Fitbit Flex both track your sleep duration and sleep cycles, letting you know how often and when you're restless each night, and letting you make adjustments based off of your data to get more, and more valuable, sleep.

Tracking blood pressure

Perhaps the most important self-tracking device, the Withings Blood Pressure Monitor lets you measure and log your blood pressure at your own convenience, rather than just at the doctor's office. Tracking your blood pressure is important while you are trying to conceive, as high blood pressure during pregnancy can prove a dangerous problem.

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