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Spicing up TTC sex

When you and your partner are trying to conceive, sex might begin to seem like a chore rather than a treat. The most important tip to better TTC sex is to have spontaneous romps outside of your fertile window — this allows you to enjoy each other without the pressure of conceiving every time. Whether you’ve just started trying or you’ve been trying for months, these tips can help bring romance back into the bedroom and remind you that sex isn’t just for baby-making.

  • Keep the bedroom a place for fun sex rather than baby-making: Many couples find it helpful to keep conception sex out of the bedroom, making it a sanctuary of fantasy and romance instead of a place of routine.
  • Go on a vacation or staycation: The easiest way to change things up is to change your location. Having sex in a new place — a hotel, the beach, a field — can alter your routine just enough to bring back the sexiness. Try renting a cheap airbnb in the city you live in or one nearby — then watch the magic happen.
  • Tell a story: Most humans are more engaged by their imaginations than by physical sensations. Write your partner a short story and have them write one back to you, then try acting it out in the bedroom. Pretending to be different people can not only be very arousing but can also break from the conception sex cycle.
  • Send a naughty text: Engaging in foreplay is one of the best ways to spice up your baby-making sex. Try sending your partner a series of dirty texts while they are at work — by the time you both get home, you’ll be so hot and bothered you’ll be dying to take your clothes off.
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