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Signs of labor

As your due date inches closer and closer, you might be feeling many things at once: excitement, nervousness, and the beginning signs of labor. Though you can't predict exactly when labor will start (only about 5% of babies are born on their due dates), the following symptoms could mean you'll be meeting your bundle of joy sooner than later.

The baby drops: If you feel a heaviness in your pelvis, less pressure in your ribs, and an increased urge to urinate — yes, even more so than throughout pregnancy so far — it could mean your baby is dropping. Sometimes called "lightening," this usually happens two to four weeks before delivery. That said, it can happen earlier or later, and some people don't notice any changes.

Contractions: Braxton Hicks contractions, which are typically sporadic, can show up several weeks before labor. Since they can be uncomfortable, some pregnant folks may think they're in labor when they're not. But even if it ends up being a false alarm, you may still want to check with your healthcare provider. In the final weeks of pregnancy, "real" contractions will kick in. When labor and delivery are right around the corner, you can expect contractions to be increasingly intense, painful, and frequent. Healthcare providers often recommend you go to the hospital or birthing center when your contractions are three to five minutes apart, so it's a good idea to start timing them. You can do this in your contraction timer in Ovia.

Cervical changes: As birth approaches, contractions cause your cervix to begin dilating. During early labor, you might notice more mild, irregular contractions as you dilate the first few centimeters. In active labor, you'll probably start to have those more painful contractions every few minutes, as we mentioned above.

Bloody show: Despite its somewhat spooky name, “bloody show” can be a part of late-term pregnancy, and it can be a sign you're going into labor soon. When your cervix starts to open and the mucus plug loosens (or dislodges completely), you might notice slightly bloody vaginal discharge. Bloody show is often clear and slightly pinkish in color, but it can be brown or red too. If you see a significant amount of blood or are unsure how to tell what's "normal," don't hesitate to contact your healthcare provider.

Water breaks: Your water breaking (or "amniotic sac rupturing" in medical terms) might be the most well-known sign of labor. Though it often happens all of a sudden in movies, it's actually less common for a person's water to break before labor starts. It'll usually occur at the beginning or during labor — at which point you may already be experiencing contractions or settling in at the hospital, birthing center, or home birth setting. If your water breaks before labor (which is known as prelabor rupture of membranes or PROM), you might notice about a cup's worth of clear, odorless fluid flush out all at once. You could also experience a slower leak with smaller amounts of wetness over the course of a day or two. If you think your water broke, be sure to call your healthcare provider right away, as labor will likely follow soon after.

Labor is different for everyone. Some feel it coming for weeks, while others experience almost no obvious signs until it's go time. Having said that, we encourage you to get in touch with your provider if you're ever unsure about a symptom. False alarms happen, and it's always a good idea to ask questions and play it safe when it comes to pregnancy.

Reviewed by the Ovia Health Clinical Team

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