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Nausea when pregnant

Nausea is one of the most common symptoms of pregnancy, affecting about 77% of all expectant women at some point during their term, although there is a sharp decline in the number of expectant moms dealing with nausea after week 11. Many cases of nausea fall under the umbrella term “morning sickness”, though some women will feel nauseous and vomit throughout their pregnancy.

What causes it?

Nobody knows quite for sure, but the most popularly attributed cause of nausea during pregnancy is the huge increase in hormones rushing through you. It might take your body some time to get used to the elevated levels of these hormones, usually by the second trimester. Another explanation is that your heightened sense of smell is more sensitive to those odors that induce nausea in you.


Get plenty of rest, and try taking ginger supplements to alleviate some of the nausea. Eating a salt cracker before getting out of bed in the morning may also help you reduce your nausea throughout the day. If nothing helps, you can rest easy with the facts that your nauseous symptoms will probably resolve themselves by the second trimester. However, every woman should talk to their healthcare provider about their nausea, especially if you are losing weight, unable to eat or drink, or experiencing symptoms of dehydration and hunger like dizziness.

Reviewed by Dr. Jamie Lo
Read more
  • American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. "Morning Sickness: FAQ126." ACOG. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 10/12/2015. Web.
  • Mayo Clinic Staff. "Morning sickness." Mayo Clinic. Mayo Clinic, 9/18/2014. Web.
  • "How Pregnancy Affects Your Sense Of Smell." Mother&Baby. Mother&Baby, n.d. Web.
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