woman lying with baby outside on a picnic blanket reading a book

Popular baby names and their meanings

Lots of expectant parents name their babies with a strong emphasis on the origin or meaning of the name. It’s a very important decision, it will be Baby's' label for life! A meaning can add another dimension to her name - it encompasses culture, tradition, and expectations for her future. Here is a list of recently popular baby names and their meanings:


  • Sophia has a Greek root, and means “wisdom”
  • Emma has a Germanic root, and means “universal”
  • Isabella has a Hebrew root, and means “devoted to God”
  • Olivia comes from the Latin for “olive tree”
  • Ava is a name with biblical roots, and means “iniquity”


  • Jacob is a biblical name which might translate to “supplanter”
  • Mason is an english name that means “stone worker”
  • Ethan is a Hebrew name that means “solid” or “enduring”
  • Noah is a biblical name that means “rest” or “peace”
  • William has Germanic roots, and means something like “protector of the kingdom”

Since you’re reading about names, we think you’ll love Ovia’s
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